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Msastfrancisprovince – St. Francis Province – Mission Sisters of Ajmer

Welcome to the Website of St. Francis Province of the Mission Sisters of Ajmer!
“A Mission Sister must be like a vessel overflowing with Love to everybody”.
– Our Founder.

To be a Mission Sister today means to become transparent to God’s compassion shining through oneself. It is to be a person of enthusiasm and passion for the Kingdom of God here and now. She should have the ability to relate to others, concerned about their needs, having a listening ear, pleasant in words, hospitable, generous, forgiving and above all to listen to and walk in the footsteps of Jesus.

We are in the process of making a Synodal Church. Synodality invites us to make life a mission and make a mission our life, ‘Journeying together’ in announcing the Gospel. In His ministry Jesus was always found with the crowd; people loved Him and followed Him. The Proclamation of the Gospel is not addressed only to an enlightened or Chosen few. Jesus interacted with the people of ordinary life. Let us do the same to bring about the Kingdom of God here and now.

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