Onsite And Offsite Marketing

By definition Onsite SEO is what you do to your website to make it easy for the search engines to find. On the other hand Off Site SEO includes the things you do outside of your site​. Both of these are absolutely necessary for your marketing efforts. We provide you with the best of Onsite And Offsite Marketing.

One-Site and Off-Site Marketing Tips for Overall Optimization in Leading Search Engines

Optimizing the content of your webpage with suitable elements that make your page visible in the visual frame of the search engine’s algorithms is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Making the long words short, doing the right things to rise in the visibility ranks of the search engine!

A lot of things go into SEO. From cracking the right title heading to the external links that validate your content, SEO requires a lot of details. But, not a tough nut to crack, websites over the years have tried hard to meet the demands of the algorithms (which undoubtedly is a very complicated process). However, some tried and tested methods that have borne fruit in the present times are broadly divided into two!

Onsite And Offsite Marketing

SEO and the traffic!

The traffic that is driven to a site depends on a lot of factors. The quality and relevancy of the content are surely one of them. But when you are competing against thousands of results for the same search word, getting in the top results (or ‘the first’ page) is the only significant way for people to discover you. Statistics bear witness to the large disparity in the traffic received by the first pages to other pages, which goes by the ratio 18:1. Even on page one, the strata continue, with the top result sweeping off the major traffic on the site.

To rank among the top results for any search engine, you need to optimize your content across the various parameters that the search engine deploys to rank the contents. This is called optimization according to the search engines.

This directly means each search engines have their own specific parameters to rank. Also, these parameters change regularly. Even though it is hard to decode all the factors, some basics that play a pivotal role have been identified. Following the right footsteps, you will be doing the smart work for your webpage rather than hard work.

Components of SEO

The work undertaken for the optimization is broadly divided on where the work is required.

Onsite SEO refers to all the things that must be done on your webpage to make the page come up on the visibility ladder among other web pages. Right from the title you use to the meta-description you put out, from the schematic usage of the keywords in the text to URL, everything under your control comes under onsite optimization. Other than content. It also includes various technical parameters like the site speed and crawling of your webpage.

Similarly, offsite optimization refers to external support your content receives. This is often called link building. Gaining recognition from other sites improves your credibility among the search engine parameters, making you rise in rankings and getting suggested to more people.

Which one to focus on more?

For the overall optimization of your webpage, you must consider both factors. Since all these are a minor contribution to a larger cause, lagging behind in one makes you fall drastically. Similarly, ticking off each point on the list helps you skip across several numbers to top the ranking.

To have steady growth, you should have firm base support on which you can rely. Thus, based on this, the onsite optimization requires the first and foremost attention on the scene. Ensuring that your basics are optimized, the offsite optimization complements and together bring out a result at a higher level.

Search Engine Optimization Analytics Solutions

We offer you with the accurate SEO solution with which your traffic of analytics would increase. We also provide you with custom analytic tools with which you can track your traffic better than google analytic, identify the loop holes, know the opportunities and thus increase your traffic.

Business Goals

We provide you with result oriented onsite and offsite marketing programs. through which you can set your business goals and make profit out of it.

Custom Strategy

We make for you onsite and off site strategies that are custom designed for your site. This would give you accurate results.

Onsite SEO!

Fix the internal bugs to make sure that your page is easy to be
ranked among various parameters a search engine uses.

Onsite SEO

1. Make your page searchable!

To be discoverable among the thousand web pages, your site must be visible to the search engines for them to analyze and subsequently list your content. On the web, everything is linked to one another in the form of a giant network called a link. There are some factors that prevent crawling and the indexing of your site, which pose a hindrance to the ranking. Hence, make sure that your page is accessible for the bots to crawl.

2. Identify the keyword

The search results compiled are for a particular keyword entered. Try changing the one keyword, and you are served a fresh platter altogether. Rather than assuming the keywords for your webpage, try to align the keywords to the ones that actually drive traffic to the site with the least competition.

3. Fix the title

Once you appear on the page, the title is the main thing that directs a user to click your link. Schematically use your keyword in the heading and other elements (i.e., the link and the meta-description) that form the crux of your content.

4. Improve the content quality

The ranking on the search engines is based on the content quality. That is, the top-ranked content gives fairly better results for the given keywords searched. Though external linking does play a significant role in this, it is important to make sure your content satisfactorily meets consumers' demands. This reduces the 'bounce back rate,' which is one index of how the content fairs among the users.

5. Internal links

Internal links aids in the crawling process. Through internal links, you make sure that you guide the bots to the relevant content that needs to be crawled on. Thus, linking the contents across several of your web pages guides the crawlers and users alike through relevant content.

6. Your site

There are some points that may annoy the users, like the slow speed with which the website loads or the hoards of signing up pop-up boxes. These things may hide quality content underneath. But the users may go back to the home page. This gives a red flag to the bots, indicating that your site is not good enough for the search result.

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Offsite SEO!

This is where you expand the reach of your webpage with the help of external factors.

1. Linking

External links, i.e., links given by other platforms to your sites, give your content points of authenticity and credibility. If these backlinks you receive are from high traffic driving site, your value increases manifold in the site of the algorithms.

But this directly given inference towards the angle of buying and trading links. However, things are not as simple. If the sites are of low quality, it will also decrease the value of your site. Moreover, if those sites get blacklisted due to any source, all the sites it links to come at the receiving end for the same.

2. Collaborate/ guest posting

There are some points that may annoy the users, like the slow speed with which the website loads or the hoards of signing up pop-up boxes. These things may hide quality content underneath.

But the users may go back to the home page. This gives a red flag to the bots, indicating that your site is not good enough for the search result.

3. Keyword Research

There are some points that may annoy the users, like the slow speed with which the website loads or the hoards of signing up pop-up boxes. These things may hide quality content underneath.

But the users may go back to the home page. This gives a red flag to the bots, indicating that your site is not good enough for the search result.

4. Turn to your social media

Market your sites by linking them through social media. Guide users to the site through external links on your media platforms. This drives traffics and bots to your site, increasing your prospects of getting indexed.

5. Deep Linking

There are some points that may annoy the users, like the slow speed with which the website loads or the hoards of signing up pop-up boxes. These things may hide quality content underneath.

But the users may go back to the home page. This gives a red flag to the bots, indicating that your site is not good enough for the search result.

6. Pay Per Click

Market your sites by linking them through social media. Guide users to the site through external links on your media platforms. This drives traffics and bots to your site, increasing your prospects of getting indexed.

SEO For A Search Engine

Regarding search engines, Google, the leading search engine, controls a major share of the searches. Hence, most of the optimization parameters (both onsite and offsite) are in accordance with the algorithms of Google. Running a quick search result for the same keywords makes you realize that the contents on the first page are not the same. Except for one or two, other sites on the first pages don’t match up. Similarity cannot be observed in subsequent pages.

Sadly, optimizations have been tried and tested for Google largely. However, since the parameters are quite basic, it is fair to assume that they influence the index in other search engines, though relative importance is bound to vary.
SEO For A Search Engine


An overall optimization is a final step that you should complete before posting the contents on web pages. Even after posting, you can add more offsite details to the same. Therefore, your primary focus should be on onsite optimization.
Include the basic points according to the search engine of your target to drive large traffic to your site.

Frequently Asked Questions

You need to have both to be successful, and finding the right mix has everything to do with analytics and tracking.
Yes of course, a trained agency is essential for doing Onsite And Offsite Marketing as they know their skill.
Search engine optimization is more commonly known as its acronym SEO. Optimization is the basis of all SEO practices. Once your brand's presence (website, content and social media platforms) is optimized across the internet, you increase its online visibility. Your website will find its way to the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs). Your online customers will find your business much quicker too.
It gives your site a correct mix of marketing opportunities, to make it rank on Serp options.
Yes, media star offers you the right packages for Onsite And Offsite Marketing, which caters to your companies needs and designs the plans accordingly.
Search engine optimization is more commonly known as its acronym SEO. Optimization is the basis of all SEO practices. Once your brand's presence (website, content and social media platforms) is optimized across the internet, you increase its online visibility. Your website will find its way to the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs). Your online customers will find your business much quicker too.

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